Thursday, 30 November 2017

Worm Farm WITT

Our WITT Is About Helping Frankly School.  My group is making worm farm. A worm farm will help our school by not having food scraps round our school.  

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Our Invertebrate Resource for Te Kakano

This is our resource that we made using Book Creator on Mikaere's Ipad.  Jae, Mikaere and I shared it with Te Kakano to teach them out the invertebrate in our Frankley School bush.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

My Cross Country

Cross Country

I didn't do cross country because I had to go to hospital.

For the training, we had to pick a partner and run out of school gate, up the hill, to the chair at the cemetery and back again. It was a little bit fun.

I'll put my name down for the competitive race. I wasn't too disappointed that I didn't run.

The hardest thing for me was running up the hill.

I wish they had bike racing.

It would be fun if the track was backwards then we could slide down the mudslide. My goal is to bring proper shoes for training because I always had gumboots, they were hard to run in and I kept tripping up.

It would be good if 1st 2nd 3rd got a medal.

My Easter Receptacle

Monday, 24 July 2017

White Tailed Spiders

Easy Blog Photo
White-tailed Spider Secrets Introduction Did you know that white tailed spiders bodies can grow up to 18mm and their legs can grow up to 28mm long! Appearance It’s Black, has a white dot on its back. It is 18 millimetres long. Habitat They live under dry bark and plants but will often be seen inside houses where they look for shelter. Diet White tailed spiders are more active at night. They eat other spiders such as daddy long legs and black house spiders. Conclusion So whitetailed spiders are most likely to be in our Frankley school bush but more likely to be in our classroom.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Camp Vertical Horizons

My favourite part of camp was the free swim. We got to fight on the slippery pole. I knocked off a couple of people and they splashed into the icy water.